"Strolling Down the Roman Boulevard"

Learning to Lead Others to Christ
  1. Do you understand the "Plan of Salvation" as God planned it?
  2. Are you sure you are saved?
  3. What are you saved from?
  4. What are you saved to?
  5. Can you lead others to Christ?
  6. Are you afraid or concerned about how others view you since you got saved?
  7. Are you afraid of rejection as you witness to others?
  8. Are you afraid that you won't know what to say if asked why you believe what you believe?
  9. What is different about you since you got saved?

The Epistle (letter) of Paul to the Romans …

Paul wrote this epistle around 55-56 AD. It is believed that it was written from Corinth.

He is addressing the Church (made up of Jewish and Gentile Christians).

What was the main problem with this Church?

The first great controversy in the church was between two great ideas …

  1. Some believed that Christianity was a development from Judaism and that the Christian Church had taken over the traditional Jewish role of ultimately bringing all humanity into the knowledge of Jehovah and unto obedience to the Mosaic Law.
  2. Some believed that Christianity was very different and new and that it was a faith on its own and in its own right.

Breakdown of the Book of Romans
CHAPTER 1 Paul introduces himself and makes his main statement about faith being the only means to salvation and the need for righteousness. The Gentile world is a world of sin.
CHAPTER 2 Paul points out that the Jewish world is no different, but with hypocrisy added.
CHAPTER 3 Paul shows that because of the atoning death of Jesus, Father God offers us an "acquittal," but only through faith.
CHAPTER 4 The argument of Abraham, justified by faith or works?
CHAPTERS 5,6,7 Paul speaks of the indescribable peace that comes with the assurance of salvation and the certainty of redemption. He also speaks of the complete break from our old lives where sin was king and take a new King, Jesus Christ, by being baptized into the Family of God.
CHAPTER 8 A call to courage in those who have the spirit within them, of the assurance of regeneration, and of the confidence that comes from knowing that all this was ordained by God.
CHAPTER 9 Paul turns again to the Jewish Christians to ask them how and why have they got themselves out of the right relationship with God, and how they can windows it back again.
CHAPTER 10 Paul clarifies the differences between righteousness and the law.
CHAPTER 11 Paul expresses the hope of the conversion of the Jews.
CHAPTERS 12-16 General exhortations about belief and conduct with a plea for tolerance and harmony.

Let's take some steps to lead others to Christ …

  1. ADMIT you are a sinner (Romans 3:23)
  2. REPENT, be willing to turn away from sin.
  3. BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. (Romans 5:8)
  4. Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become you personal Savior (Romans 10:9,13)

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